im体育APP is a leading provider of testing, 检查, certification and calibration services to a diverse range of other im体育平台app下载 sectors. These include the Building 产品s, 国防, 医疗设备, 发电 and Telecommunications sectors.

Click on one of the links below to see how we serve these important sectors.

校准 services


im体育APP is a leading provider of metrology services, with over 70 years’ experience in delivering a  complete range of measurement technology and calibration services to a diverse range of im体育平台app下载 sectors.



im体育APP certifies everything from individual materials, products & 人员, to full management systems, chain of custody and supply chains, to help make certain that they are compliant to all relevant international standards.



im体育APP works with a diverse range of consumer product manufacturers to help make certain that the products we test for them are safe, 质量, fit for purpose and meet all of the relevant 质量, im体育平台app下载, and regulatory requirements.



Find out about im体育APP's 50 years experience in working with a wide range of 国防 产品 and 系统 manufacturers from the initial concept of their products to the complex testing that is required of modern defense equipment.


环境 测试

Find out how our global team of 环境 测试 Experts help our customers to comply with the very latest environmental obligations through our comprehensive range of laboratory and field based environmental testing services.


建设 Materials 测试

im体育APP offers a full spectrum of construction materials testing to ensure the materials are safe in their application, compliant, and ultimately fit for purpose.


法律 & 保险

im体育APP offers a comprehensive range of advisory services and independent testimony as part of the litigation services we provide to those legal and insurance companies that require expertise or proof of concept in court.


制造业 & 制造

im体育APPs ISO 17025 accredited laboratories provide a wide range of material characterization, mechanical testing and chemical analysis services to the worlds leading metallic and polymeric materials manufacturers and fabricators.



im体育APP provides an extensive range of mechanical testing, metallurgical analysis, material characterization and microbiological evaluation services as well as EMC testing and 医疗设备 Directive safety testing for the global 医疗设备 sector.

pharmaceutical testing

Pharmaceutical 测试

im体育APP’s pharmaceutical laboratories provide specialist pharmaceutical testing services, including chemical, 物理, 微生物, and stability testing on a vast array of products, from raw materials to finished products.



im体育APP has been providing materials and components testing services to the power generation im体育平台app下载 for decades and therefore truly understands the unique requirements of the electrical, 核, 气体, 水力发电, wind and solar energy sectors.

bedding and mattress testing

Bedding and Mattress 测试

im体育APP provides comprehensive testing services for bedding and mattresses including thermal performance, 可燃性, 耐用性, and interface pressure mapping.



im体育APP has over 50 years experience in working with many of worlds leading telecoms companies, from the initial design phase through to the final testing and approval of their components and products to help them to take their product to market.



Find out how im体育APP works with chipset vendors to enable them to deliver their wireless products to market by providing testing, certification and approvals.

食品检测 Lab


im体育APP offers a comprehensive food testing package to help you deliver safe and 质量 food products to market quickly.


Our team of over 9,000 从事专家 in North America, 欧洲, 中东地区, 澳大利亚, Asia and Africa are ready to help you.