关于im体育APP 新柏林 

im体育APP 新柏林 is a third-party testing laboratory serving primarily Milwaukee, 芝加哥, 以及中西部地区. We provide a complete range of independent weld procedure, 资格, and certification services for the industrial, 建设, 能源, 运输, aerospace and defense sectors. Our weld 资格 and certification services ensure your welds meet required quality standards, leading to reduced failure rates and extending the potential operating life of components. We are a specialist provider of laboratory testing and failure analysis services for a range of ferrous and non-ferrous materials, polymers, plastics, and other advanced materials.

In addition to lab testing services, im体育APP 新柏林 makes the expertise of our staff available through expert witness and consulting services. Our team of highly trained metallurgists, chemists and polymer scientists assist our clients with material and product validation as well as comprehensive product failure analysis to ensure their products meet exacting standards.

成立于1978年, im体育APP 新柏林 has decades of experience providing expert metallurgical testing, 聚合物测试, and other specialized laboratory services to clients of all sizes in a huge array of industries.

Featured 测试 Services



Find out how im体育APP's global team of failure analysis experts learn from the past, to help prevent failures in service. 

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Weld 检查 Services

im体育APP's weld inspection services ensure your welds meet required quality standards, leading to reduced failure rates and extending the potential operating life of components. 


Accelerated Weathering

Exposure to the environment can degrade paints, coatings, and products. im体育APP offers accelerated weathering, including UV exposure, xenon arc and carbon arc to ensure the integrity of your product.

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Metallurgical 测试

Metallurgical testing is used in virtually every industry and covers a wide range of services, from grain size analysis to fractography. Our 从事专家 can identify material type, defects and processing errors using a variety of techniques and equipment. 


Material Properties 测试

im体育APP can assist you in evaluating and understanding how your materials will perform or react under a wide variety of stresses.


Expert Witness Services

im体育APP’s expert witness services provide testimony to legal firms, 保险公司, and other entities that require materials expertise or proof of concept in court.


Polymer 失效分析

im体育APP experts are here to help you with your failure analysis on plastics, 复合材料, 橡胶, 粘合剂, 密封剂, paints and coatings.

Polymer Composite 测试


im体育APP has world-class expertise in polymeric materials testing services including elastomers, 热塑性塑料, 复合材料 and structural 粘合剂 the 航空航天, 运输, 医疗, 能源 and Consumer 产品 sectors.


Approvals, accreditations and documents

  • 新柏林 A2LA Chemical Scope and Accreditation
    PDF - 482 KB 视图
  • 新柏林 A2LA Mechanical Scope and Accreditation
    PDF - 801.35 KB 视图
  • 新柏林 ABB Approval
    PDF - 16.78 KB 视图
  • 新柏林 CPSC Accreditation Lab ID 1430
    PDF - 162.35 KB 视图

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